Deadline for submission: 2002-11-03
Notification of acceptance: 2003-01-11
Deadline for final version: 2003-02-16
Early registration: 2003-02-16
Workshop: 2003-05-14 - 2003-05-17

Wednesday, May 14th, 2003
Conference Opening
12:00 - 12:30

Real-time modelling
Chairperson - Prof. Matja¾ Colnariè
12:30 - 13:15
1. Time Modelling for Requirements and Specification Analysis
Leo Motus, Merik Meriste
2. Formal Specification of a Real-Time Operating System Component
Grzegorz Hamuda, Grace Tsai
3. RTCP-nets as a Tool for Real-Time Systems Modelling and Analysis
Marcin Szpyrka, Tomasz Szmuc

Formal methods in discrete control
Chairperson - Prof. Tomasz Szmuc
15:30 - 16:30
1. A Simple Method for PLC Programming
Krzysztof Sacha
2. To Behavior Analysis of a Class of Petri Nets
Andrei Karatkevich
3. Reprogrammable Controllers for Reactive Embedded Systems
Marian Adamski, Marek Wegrzyn

Increasing performance and safety
Chairperson - Prof. Marian Adamski
17:00 - 18:00
1. Firm Aperiodic Task Scheduling in Hard Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems
Sergio Sáez, Joan Vila, Alfons Crespo
2. Real Time Application to Control an Unstable Delay System
Pedro García, Alfons Crespo, P. Castillo, A. Dzul, R. Lozano, P. Albertos
3. The Cotre Project: Rigorous Software Development for Real Time Systems in Avionics
Jean-Marie Farines, Bernard Berthomieu, Jean-Paul Bodeveix, P. Dissaux, Patrick Farail, Mamoun Filali, Pierre Gaufillet, Hicham Hafidi, Jean-Luc Lambert, Pierre Michel, Francois Vernadat
4. Towards Concurrent Processes Prototyping
Zbigniew Banaszak, Micha³ Polak, Pawe³ Majdzik

Keynotes - Contemporary Research on Real-Time Scheduling Considered Obsolete
Speaker: Prof. Wolfgang Halang
18:30 - 19:30

Thursday, May 15th, 2003
Real-time system and application design methods
Chairperson - Prof. Alfons Crespo
17:00 - 18:40
1. Comparison between Function Block-Oriented and Object-Oriented Design in Control Applications
Wei Zhang, Christian Diedrich, Wolfgang Halang
2. Extending UML with PEARL Features for the Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems
ShouRong Lu, Wolfgang Halang, Axel Pöschmann
3. The Representation of PEARL Tasks as Timed State Transition Diagrams
Roman Gumzej, Matja¾ Colnariè
4. The Implementation of CODARTS as an Extension of a General Framework
Jindrich Cernohorsky, Gustav Hrudka
5. Development Plan of the On Board Satellite Software Based on Room Modelling and Evolution of Component Based Prototypes
Oscar Rodriguez Polo, Luis de Salvador Carrasco, Manuel Angulo, Jesús Manuel de la Cruz

Friday, May 16th, 2003
Temporal and performance analysis
Chairperson - Prof. Leo Motus
09:30 - 11:00
1. Timing Analysis of UML-RT Diagrams Using Timed Automata
Thomas Licht, Wolfgang Fengler
2. Aspect-Level Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Real-Time Systems Compositioned Using Aspects and Components
Aleksandra Tesanovic, Dag Nyström, Jörgen Hansson, Christer Norström
3. Measuring Execution Time of Code by means of Posix Tracing
Vicent Lorente, Agustin Espinosa, Ana Garcia-Fornes, Alfons Crespo
4. A New Benchmark for Distributed Real-Time Systems: Some Experimental Results
Dahai Guo, Jan van Katwijk, Janusz Zalewski
5. Performance Comparison of Locking Caches Under Static and Dynamic Schedulers
Antonio Martí Campoy, Sergio Sáez, Angel Perles, Jose Vicente Busquets-Mataix
6. Hardware Monitoring and Visualising Scheduler Behavior for Complex Hard Real-Time Systems
Ian Clark, Sias Mostert

Real-time systems and architectures
Chairperson - Prof. Tiberiu Letia
11:30 - 12:45
1. Communication Platform for Distributed Fault-Tolerant Control Systems
Domen Verber, Matja¾ Colnariè
2. A New Communication Protocol for Automotive Real-Time Applications
Ernest Gil-Dolcet, J.M. Fuertes
3. A Scheduling Co-processor for Linux-based Real-Time Embedded Systems
Carlos E Pereira, Marcelo Götz
4. Steps towards a Fully Preemptable Linux Kernel
Arnd C. Heursch, Dirk Grambow, Alexander Horstkotte, Helmut Rzehak
5. A Clock Synchronization Service Using the Publisher/Subscriber Paradigm
Armando Assandri, Miguel García

Real-time applications and experiences
Chairperson - Dr Pavel Ettler
15:00 - 16:15
1. Developement of a Multimedia QoS Synchronizer using AspectJ
Angelo Furfaro, Libero Nigro, Francesco Pupo
2. Design Methodology for an Embedded System for High-Performance Computing
Wolfgang Fengler, Bernd Daene, Vesselka Duridanova
3. Real Time Traffic Information and Control System
Tiberiu Letia, Mihai Hulea, Avram Camelia, Honoriu Valean
4. Image Processing Systems at Biocybernetic Lab of AGH: from TTL to Modern FPGA
Marek Gorgoñ, Zbigniew Mikrut, Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
5. A Low Cost Laboratory for Teaching Embedded Real-Time Systems
Francisco Manuel Sanchez-Moreno, Juan Zamorano-Flores

Exhibition and presentation - ADB Poland
16:45 - 17:30

Panel session
Chairperson - Prof. Krzysztof Sacha
17:45 - 19:15

Saturday, May 17th, 2003
Tutorial - A modern HDL-based design flow for FPGA prototyping of ASICs ( 5FP, REASON Project ) - p.1
09:30 - 11:00

Tutorial - A modern HDL-based design flow for FPGA prototyping of ASICs ( 5FP, REASON Project ) - p.2
11:30 - 13:30